Granted, the last sessions on the water to me, apart from the Thaya once pretty added. The results were just too thin and I doubt even with the choice of my Danube Basin. But a real Muddy can be browbeaten - by biting at whatever price is asked!
It took me once again to the Danube in the Wachau ...........
I immediately chose a place on a gravel bank on the main stream of the weather gods meant well with me, the current was bearable and I am motivated to circumstances.

came as food this time, "Timar Big Fish" with oatmeal, bread crumbs, corn meal, and a high percentage of hemp and maggots are used.

So I put words in my traps, fed approximately 750g slightly upstream and waited for things that may come.
reported Not even 10 minutes later, my right rod tip - stop - a chub of about 30 cm .... well, better than nothing .... Then the wait was
going experience, it takes ..... on the Danube usually 1-3 hours, until a larger number of fish at the feeding place einfindet.
between I got a visit from "Huchenpepi" (living legend), who suggested I have a good turn very close - they'll look at the next opportunity, today I was stubborn and wanted to start exactly on this place! It was not long before it was recorded increased activity of fish - nice bite, bream 51 cm. going experience, it takes ..... on the Danube usually 1-3 hours, until a larger number of fish at the feeding place einfindet.
10 minutes later, a violent bite - after a short drill salvation: first bar 2010 - 57cm ... after all, they are still there! (In the back room had been my doubts)
After 2 outs I changed the assembly to medium sized Maggotclips. Then we went
time to start my-place choice was obviously the right place ...... to make it short: 11 barbel 45-69 cm, 6 bream, not any 48cm, 3 Rußnasen and a chub. Curiously, not a single carp, which are normally always on such occasions
recorded as by-catch.
just that leave those days to a deep despair in hours straighten up again and again and believe in the dark power! ;-)