Saturday, August 28, 2010

How Much Money To Deal On Pokemon Monopoly

fair-weather fishing

Again the Danube on the favorite place was the fishing this time due to water level more difficult. 140g self-baskets from exaggerated ..... as it turned out, but stayed relatively close to the shore, my scaly friends on it-ranged on average 15 m throws. In sum
I was allowed eight barbs up to 66 cm and two noses talking about for temporary shore leave.
What I heard was the same day, a perch of 1.02 and 11.32 kg in our area caught, proving once again, the potential of the Danube. What I
from about 11h spoiled the mood a little, were again the hundreds of recreational lunatic, the result of good weather made the Danube back to the fair with a corresponding noise level. As such, I am very happy that the temperatures drop again and the weather is changeable! ;-)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Christian Housewarming Words

Bad start, defeats and highlights

After my last Ansitz Danube and now nearly three weeks ago, it was for me again I have some time to face the ruthless of all the rivers of our region.

The conditions seemed favorable ... not too hot, slightly higher water level, something angetrübt.
in the car already on the way I overtook the first shock my lighter had only minimal gas storage, gas station was no longer in front of me and it was Sunday morning ... unthinkable to cancel a session due to such Lapalie .... so full risk and ...
arrived at the water the next blow .... I had bought the day before my maggots and stupidly forgotten in the car .... the day before it was very hot, 60-70 degrees in the car safely.
Conclusion-I had a liter of dead bodies as bait! :-(
Thank God there were still the Tauwürmer fresh out of the cellar and various pellets and corn.
When I was about to assemble my rod as it started to pour down with rain ... so put everything under the umbrella and hold out. later .. 30 minutes, the nightmare was over and it could go off.
(the weather, however, has undoubtedly the advantage that no "Freizeithirnis" Peace on the water disrupt)
as food, I took back Timar Big Fish, 1 liter of bread crumbs, 1 l oatmeal, corn flour, corn, 4 mm pellets, maggots and dead ...... .....
A rod was equipped with a worm, the other, against all my Prinizipien, with dead maggots and corn grain. The Wurmrute was already in the water and I mounted Monday 2 ... suddenly a brachial bite .... after a brief and violent resistance, I had the installation without the fish counter .... The
the moments are the driving one to despair!
I threw rod 2 on about 15 meters since the bite came across this distance and dedicated myself again .... a bait rod to reload this suddenly a metallic noise behind me, in no time I see my Highpod tilt and grab the tail, which is already bent to the semi-circle. How come it had, I lost this fish and I would have liked two parts of the rod across his knee. As it turned out, I had forgotten in the heat of the moment the free-wheeling role to activate. But after all, the bite came on the dead maggots ... it made me hope ....

eat fish just to be with rising water drowned yes tons of insects and snails, so why not ... it should work ..... this theory gave me confidence again.
The two were straight rods in the water than the Wurmrute already made a bow .... the resistance suggesting a good fish. After a few minutes to drill a beautiful bar was on the surface. Next they were in a relaxed pace then .... noses Rußnasen; barbs, nerfling it .... I was absolutely never boring, but stress could not speak.

For a change, I moved a rod and baited with Softhookpellets of Carp Zoom in the flavor Squid & Octopus ..... it took less than 5 minutes and the next bar to go.
thought feeders After 6, 5 hours, I have to the packing up, as was again a strong bite on the body of the fish bait .... he took me about 15m 0.30 cord from the roll and then bucked at the stand ... tyisch Barbe-it took about 7-8 minutes until the fish I near my place had.
As before, he struck the ground, followed by rapid movements upstream approximately .... 3 meters in front of my landing net then the disillusionment, as I once again came to meet with the Assembly easily aufgebogenem hook. For milking mice ....
All in all it was still one of the best days I had seen so far this year in this area and the lighter has endured.