Saturday, October 30, 2010

Good 20 Foot Sailboat

Mug Rug - fever!

Julia showed the forum and on her blog, her latest work, a "mug rug", and since in I still lay on the table scraps of the ice age I had to try out but fast times.

also Heike fever has gripped . And so is what has to come ... now be swapped.

So respect - keep a distance from the Rugs - contagious!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots Near Columbus Ohio


With beautiful fall weather (in the midday sun on the balcony, no wind - 24 Crad!) I think with my new top of the ice age. These beautiful my stash I had for my girlfriend Monika Birthday . Get These many, many, many FQ then had to be processed immediately and in the last few days, I then sewed only chain. Then, when a block was finished, I had 16.5 inches in size, and then outputs the same decent. Still on the edge rumgepuzzelt and now for the show ready. The pattern I have from here . Size 1.9 x 1.4 m.

's see how it goes now. Because what I spit in your head around ...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Mold Ballet Shoes From Gumpaste

It is a bit tough

After the fall, kept his inevitable collection, the temperature drops at night regularly below freezing, and the fishing activities are still low, I save all the tedious verbal bruising and leave only a few pictures speak - it is about time to devote himself more to the toothfish.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Penthouse Fantasy Forum

buffalo hunting

After the season draws to a close, the days get shorter and the first ice is recorded on the windshield, I wanted it necessarily again know - it was missing for this year's barbs balance still a highlight, and although not the fish are caught every day .... When
Tackle Dealer I was ever fully motivated .... Rainer told of a 90 bar with 4.8 kg in Korneuburg the week was caught in front of ... well, that's not an exceptional fish but a fish life, so only the bottom of the reality remain.
At 08:30 h I arrived at the water and checked once the situation ..... after the campsite full of unlikely still was with caravans and tents, I could forget the original target turn.
I selected the great bend of a motor boat harbor, but in the lower, already pouring area - for the current temperatures should of course be optimal low, moderate current rich and secure food supply. I placed my
assembly, after the usual massive campaign fodder, about 40 feet away, so already in the main stream there flows but relatively slowly - even 80g baskets are stayed.
bait as usual maggots feed mixture Timar black, oatmeal, bread crumbs, maggots, corn ....
It took only 15 minutes away from the first bite ... after a few minutes the drill was a nice 65-bar.

Shortly after, a bite on the right, relatively light weight rod with Seitenarmmontage - hanging at first I thought But something slowly began to move in the matter .... with fully-loaded rod I was hoping a good 10 minutes that the little hook 12 can withstand the stress and not ausschlitzt.
He was - and I had the problem a bar more than a third longer than my landing net diameter was to maneuver in there.
Thank God it worked and I was able to measure 75 cm and 3.10 kg of fish weigh-a dream!

After I fed the fish and released, had reported to the top of the other tail quite strongly .... stop ..... and again the resistance has no equal.
has yet to the tail of a length was of 4.35 m and is relatively stiff ... the leverage in the alignment near the shore at the end of the enormous .... Urviech was still white and landed in the back undersized nets. Well-fed 76 cm .... what a day!

mounted hängerbdingten After demolition of the hook I caught a new and unintended Barbless model-no matter what I thought ... I try it ....
As it turned out, was the self-hooking shank of this hook obviously better than that of the "Barbed hooks ".... and I did not lose a single fish-a lesson I will pursue.
In sum, I was again 9 barbs between Won 50 and 76 cm, while the average weight was much higher than usual this time .....

Did I already mention that I think sucks self-timer images?