It was a suspended article with photos from the Nazi period are that adorned the front page.
has a well-known saying of me:
Living in a Canadian city and seeing the front page of the National Post WWII displaying the pictures of U.S. Jews with their arm badges on the front page made me pause on the way to work.
I think THAT is exactly the intention was you should stop, the yes is what every newspaper would like, and who would not want to see such a story on its front page.
Too bad if the story then as a (possibly) turns out false.
millions of people are more or less livid. I must admit I am also livid and thought "HOW STUPID CAN NOT REALLY BE!"
But even read the article in the National Post, because now you can not find this on the website. I just wonder why? Heh!
Human rights groups are raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the country's Jews and Christians to wear coloured badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims.
"This is reminiscent of the Holocaust," said Rabbi Marvin Hier, the dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. "Iran is moving closer and closer to the ideology of the Nazis."
Iranian expatriates living in Canada yesterday confirmed reports that the Iranian parliament, called the Islamic Majlis, passed a law this week setting a dress code for all Iranians, requiring them to wear almost identical "standard Islamic garments."
The law, which must still be approved by Iran's "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenehi before being put into effect, also establishes special insignia to be worn by non-Muslims.
Iran's roughly 25,000 Jews would have to sew a yellow strip of cloth on the front of their clothes, while Christians would wear red badges and Zoroastrians would be forced to wear blue cloth.
"There's no reason to believe they won't pass this," said Rabbi Hier. "It will certainly pass unless there's some sort of international outcry over this."
Bernie Farber, the chief executive of the Canadian Jewish Congress, said he was "stunned" by the measure. "We thought this had gone the way of the dodo bird, but clearly in Iran everything old and bad is new again," he said. "It's state-sponsored religious discrimination."
Ali Behroozian, an Iranian exile living in Toronto, said the law could come into force as early as next year.
It would make religious minorities immediately identifiable and allow Muslims to avoid contact with non-Muslims.
Mr. Behroozian said it will make life even more difficult for Iran's small pockets of Jewish, Christian and other religious minorities -- the country is overwhelmingly Shi'ite Muslim. "They have all been persecuted for a while, but these new dress rules are going to make things worse for them," he said.
The new law was drafted two years ago, but was stuck in the Iranian parliament until recently when it was revived at the behest of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
really surprised me so it would not. After all, they have already imposed a dress code for women, which would then force through which they hold such a law?
you had the public attention is definitely on their side, but also the wrath of dozens of nations, America would also probably set not long torches and all peaceful efforts once and forever.
Israel? Israel would jump in the triangle. But what would we do Germans?
could be so indifferent to how we came here, I shrug imagine, because all I've found on the German side to this is:
Saturday 20 May 2006, 19:18 clock
Tehran (AP) A new law will encourage the Iranian parliament, the population targeted for wearing Islamic dress. The draft contains no specific provisions for religious minorities, as is apparent from a copy received by the AP news agency on Saturday in Tehran. On Friday, the Canadian newspaper The National Post "provided with a report of a stir, according to Christians, Jews and other religions should identify themselves with special pieces of fabric.
"Such a plan has never been submitted to Parliament and was never discussed," said Morris Motamed, the Jewish member of the AP. "The National Post" reported on its Web site now has doubts about their own article. The U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Friday that, if this information actually, this would be deeply objectionable and would be in Germany under Hitler erinnern.Dem first reading approved text of the law, according to the Iranian people are discouraged from wearing clothing that the Islamic culture the country's conflict could. Women are not mentioned separately. Already, they must wear Islamic dress code after a headscarf and cover arms and legs completely, preferably with a long coat. Feminists have voiced concern that the new law, the rules could be further strengthened.
The National Post, meanwhile, took the first article out of the Internet and found instead a new article online from the looks:
Chris Wattie, National Post
Published: Friday, May 19, 2006Several experts are casting doubt on reports that Iran had passed a Law Requiring the country’s Jews and other religious minorities to wear coloured badges identifying them as non-Muslims.The Iranian embassy in Otttawa also denied the Iranian government had passed such a law.
A news story and column by Iranian-born analyst Amir Taheri in yesterday’s National Post reported that the Iranian parliament had passed a sweeping new law this week outlining proper dress for Iran’s majority Muslims, including an order for Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians to wear special strips of cloth.
According to the reports, Jews were to wear yellow cloth strips, called zonnar, while Christians were to wear red and Zoroastrians blue.
I like Iran, not at all, however, was what happened here the most pure farce. I wonder why in fact it just had to do it this way. Were there no other way?
I know just do not want if you laugh or cry about stuff like that ...
Should this article be expected again prove to be correct, and Iran should actually introduce such "badges" then I can only say:
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