Friday, June 30, 2006

New Baby Registry Message Examples

May I be proud?

Even if not, I am anyway.
I can not even grasp that so many people participate in "Team of the Congo".

It is incredible how well the whole matter and that there are so many people show to the Germans want the troops they are not alone are that there are people who think and believe in them.

It's unbelievable. It is an official project and I think I may as team leader a little proud that it actually starts rolling, and after the 16 boys from the 101st ABN provides all I need something new where I can hang inside me. Since the German
come at just the right time: O)

Willie from Soldiers Angels Germany would like to write a report on Team Congo and publish them on Soldiers Angels Germany.


is finally done something for our own guys, it was time that the whole is actually implemented in practice!

Tanker Brothers ... what do you think?

The German comrades deserve it too will also be supported or not? :)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Students Kissing Teachers

Lance Corporal Boggs

This here is Lance Corporal Boggs.
L. Cpl Boggs was in Iraq in April and only came back home.
This photo is the first thing I had then ever seen from him, it was the dead of winter and he was wrapped thickly in his sleeping bag.

He is a really lively lad. Whenever we Had time, we have talked to each other. Comb it sometimes before I had heard nothing from him for weeks and then again we have two three days in a row away talked to each other.

When he came home again in April to Camp Pendleton he has done something that I will remember all my life. I could watch him as he danced alone arrogant by his room.

This scene moved me so much I cried out of joy for him. It was a unique feeling ihnd jump so through his room and dance to be seen. He is also one of my most loyal audience on HOOAH!! Radio und mitlerweile auch ein fester Bestandteil von Soldiers Angels.

L.Cpl Boggs ist der erste der für "Team Kongo" einen Brief geschrieben hat. Er hat mir ebenfalls erlaubt ein paar Worte daraus zu zitieren:

(...)Also.. I want to say that you all are hero's. Even if you dont get to leave the wire you are still a hero, because everyone is needed no matter what it is they do, its needed to be done... it doesnt matter if its clean the heads every day.. that has to be done to keep the guys from getting sick before a mission... thats just a crazy example... while i was over there my favorite person was the mail guy... because he would always let me know that i had mail.. that made my day every time ... lot of the time it was from soldier angels ... that was sending me something thats why I'm a big part of them today .. because they helped me, now i want to help them to help you (...)

When I asked him than what I should call him for now, because actually he was my unofficial epal, and now that he is part of Soldiers Angel, it is difficult to classify him somehow, but he said simply, "Call me a crazy Marine!" :)

repays him I want to express my personal gratitude, he participates in the team to Congo to support the German troops as well!

Washing Killtec Level 5 Jacket

"Team of the Congo" is launched! Busy Busy Busy

As we all know is the army in a few weeks in the Congo.

What not everyone knows that there will be a team of Germans and Americans, who will assist the Germans in the Congo.

This is the first opportunity to try out whether and how the troops will be important support for their own people.

I still can not believe that is the contact and we have an entire platoon is to support it.

It all started with an old childhood friend. Although I have been an eternity no longer seen, and it is gone bye with more of my Sister, friend, what does that mean we would not let us hang with each other.

When I called my sister on her birthday she was on her way to the city. In her course, Tanja.

Having just at HOOAH!! Radio was on air they have of course noticed Tanya and began speaking about the her longtime boyfriend has to go to the Congo.

Two days later I called in to Tanya. I had to accompany the idea of the guys from the beginning, she gave me the number of their friend and I talked to him.

He was enthusiastic about the idea and promised his Platoon to talk about whether anyone would be willing to explain his side yet to make his post box address ready. To

mitlerweile have already reported a half dozen German and Americans who participate in "Team of the Congo".

Finally, finally, reality is a dream, I can do something for my own people, and there are actually people who are as excited as I join in and.

Some Americans have already sent "Dear Heroes" letters for our German boys and girls. Who would have ever thought that our German soldiers by the Americans to be "Dear Hero" addressed?

I'm curious what will become of the whole, and in particular whether and how well it will be important to the German soldiers.

I'll keep you updated!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Ripped Seams On Leather Couch

I am soooo glad that I have a new job. Free and flexible working hours, a nice new boss, good pay. What more could you want?

really much I had to do it not, a call was enough, I was just at the right time and right place.

's what I'm really glad, because this way I could also adopt officially two new soldiers. This means the number of official adopted increased to an impressive 4!

yesterday also reported one of the guys up I get referred by the LWT, he is in Afghanistan and has been thrilled with the Post got the German has sent him.

(...) I just received your letter today, first of all I think it is awsome for someone in Germany, caring about American Soldiers. I was stationed in Germany twice (...)
He is 39, for 21 years in the Army and has 45 soldiers for whom he is responsible.
He has also promised to send some pictures. I think this is the beginning of another beautiful friendship.

Ryan has once again reported that he was in hospital because his pancreas.
the beginning it was not doing well, then it got worse until he finally passed with blood had, then they put him to the hospital.
Irish Angel Amy and I had made us very worried because we had heard nothing from him for weeks and not otherwise know what was wrong.

then came two days ago the redeeming message:

Hi sis I was in the hospital my pancreas was acting up.I was in intense pain and puking blood
they made me go it wasn't my choice in doing 100
% better now. (...)

His comrades were also glad to see him again:

(...) when the guys saw me back acting like they were happy i came back from the dead .(...)

He is simply a treasure. Today, he tries to find out what S1 is now planned for him. He is determined to come to Germany to visit me, he come back soon "on leave" and we do not have anything ... No data, nothing. I know not even when and where most of all I should pick him up from the airport. should
I have no idea how the otherwise runs for S1, but the times are so slow in the pot, haha ...

How Anyway ... I do not know that Ryan is a football fan. He asked me if I've been on one of the games and I've told him that I've only seen a couple on the big screen. Actually, I'm not in the World Cup fever, but does not do everything for the boys ... Ooooh that reminds me I still need to watch the games to get on CD. I had Dave, promised " Dave's not here" get him the games, and if I must therefore anhauen FIFA, that's my shit, now I always get my guys for what I wanted. Even FIFA does not frighten me, you have to sometimes just nice and kind to ask, and get the right people strike the right note and you get what you want for the troops.

Anyway .. I can hardly wait for Ryan to have been with me. Ryan, George, Dave (my bro Dave) is on leave and wanted to come by Dave from " Dave's not here " comes late in the year as well to Germany and I had promised him the best Schnitzel to make the whole wide world. to make Monne is a Schnitselstadt and if a Monnema net in a position is, a steak, donn is what is wrong gelaafe and knows there ma Glawe * g *

The first three photos of the Founder's Saxo Thuringia are already here . :)

But since I have just one are less under time pressure, I'll now just on my "Princess Blog" link.

wool watch pictures? Then you go daaaaaaaaa * points into correct direction (click here) * long

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Is A Swing Set Considered A Fixture

I need to get rid of just now.

Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it.

I travel I can not really fucked up, give more money for my Soldiers as for myself, the last time that I've indulged me a new pair of jeans is a year ago.

There is a lot of work in there, write letters, the radio show, packages pack, talk to the Soldiers, they calm down, I have one or the other times also had ne huge phone bill because I was the one who called in Iraq. (Yes that is possible)

Man makes himself unpopular in their own environment, they defended down to the "blood" because it knows that its Soldiers are not the bloodthirsty killers as portrayed in the press. Man looking for some time, not even what is going on in their own country. I have no idea what's going on in Germany, even though I live here. I did not even realize the union of Tic Tac Toe, the experience I got from my parents. Here indeed the whole country talked about it.

When I went to Stuttgart, I have coffee for five German soldiers bought and they've addressed in English. I simply have no words come to mind in German. I got them, "Thank you for your service," said, and the expression was simply divine, so surprised, so happy, so proud. It did me in the soul hurt I could not say it in German.

All week I've been working on it covers a bunch of 16 paratroopers of the 101st ABN DIV. You need razors, laundry soap and eating MRE's because they simply just sick.

Have me so the next one so I cut around the ears as many people as possible to get ... in Germany so I need not begin the first place.

And then? What was it? I get one of their comrades to hear, is stationed in Germany. "You have not done shit, support your own fucking country, we do not need you!"

Is it worth it? Is it really worth it? What I actually travel on the butt? What do I do all that crap anyway? Why do you look at it?

Sometimes there are situations when you just have to keep going, even if one may plug on its own pages. Just because there is one who is against you, it does not mean the others do not have your help want.