Friday, June 23, 2006

Ripped Seams On Leather Couch

I am soooo glad that I have a new job. Free and flexible working hours, a nice new boss, good pay. What more could you want?

really much I had to do it not, a call was enough, I was just at the right time and right place.

's what I'm really glad, because this way I could also adopt officially two new soldiers. This means the number of official adopted increased to an impressive 4!

yesterday also reported one of the guys up I get referred by the LWT, he is in Afghanistan and has been thrilled with the Post got the German has sent him.

(...) I just received your letter today, first of all I think it is awsome for someone in Germany, caring about American Soldiers. I was stationed in Germany twice (...)
He is 39, for 21 years in the Army and has 45 soldiers for whom he is responsible.
He has also promised to send some pictures. I think this is the beginning of another beautiful friendship.

Ryan has once again reported that he was in hospital because his pancreas.
the beginning it was not doing well, then it got worse until he finally passed with blood had, then they put him to the hospital.
Irish Angel Amy and I had made us very worried because we had heard nothing from him for weeks and not otherwise know what was wrong.

then came two days ago the redeeming message:

Hi sis I was in the hospital my pancreas was acting up.I was in intense pain and puking blood
they made me go it wasn't my choice in doing 100
% better now. (...)

His comrades were also glad to see him again:

(...) when the guys saw me back acting like they were happy i came back from the dead .(...)

He is simply a treasure. Today, he tries to find out what S1 is now planned for him. He is determined to come to Germany to visit me, he come back soon "on leave" and we do not have anything ... No data, nothing. I know not even when and where most of all I should pick him up from the airport. should
I have no idea how the otherwise runs for S1, but the times are so slow in the pot, haha ...

How Anyway ... I do not know that Ryan is a football fan. He asked me if I've been on one of the games and I've told him that I've only seen a couple on the big screen. Actually, I'm not in the World Cup fever, but does not do everything for the boys ... Ooooh that reminds me I still need to watch the games to get on CD. I had Dave, promised " Dave's not here" get him the games, and if I must therefore anhauen FIFA, that's my shit, now I always get my guys for what I wanted. Even FIFA does not frighten me, you have to sometimes just nice and kind to ask, and get the right people strike the right note and you get what you want for the troops.

Anyway .. I can hardly wait for Ryan to have been with me. Ryan, George, Dave (my bro Dave) is on leave and wanted to come by Dave from " Dave's not here " comes late in the year as well to Germany and I had promised him the best Schnitzel to make the whole wide world. to make Monne is a Schnitselstadt and if a Monnema net in a position is, a steak, donn is what is wrong gelaafe and knows there ma Glawe * g *

The first three photos of the Founder's Saxo Thuringia are already here . :)

But since I have just one are less under time pressure, I'll now just on my "Princess Blog" link.

wool watch pictures? Then you go daaaaaaaaa * points into correct direction (click here) * long


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