Today I was drawn again to the beautiful Danube - Weather sunny and 21 degrees, water level 25 cm above normal.
Once in the target area, I immediately moved again and landed on a different spot - no matter .... looked just as useful, a nice turn was also present. (With me this looked like something dredged fresh)
as bait today were maggots on the clip and cheese in the hair.
method was feed, of course-basket weight 80g and 100g.
After about 30 minutes, the first bite - on cheese! This could only be a bar - and it was a no ..... U-boat, but the target fish was caught.
Then it went slow, then, bite changed phases of 10 minutes .... with long hours of monotony after a trailer-related demolition rig-mounted I get a 4 hook on a mono leader. After 5 minutes the next bar ..... what shocked me, however, was the state of the mono-Leader ..... despite gravel bar there also seemed quite sharp stones or cockle beds to be available.
So back to work ummontieren Musselproof ..... but just - in total I had 5 barbel caught ..... nothing else - what I would call quite selective.
missing Now only the ultimate method of selectively catch barbel with 70cm + - I think this is a task for many a summer nights with the use of pellets or cubes of cheese is even greater.
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