You know what is beautiful? What I always like to have?
people who are not in a position to look beyond their own backyard, the slanders and share in the world have neither hand nor foot.
the people you call something what you do not are.
I do not think it ever even any person who know me personally, would describe myself as a "brown" let alone "conservative right".
Still I was ever thrown out somewhere because of my attitude.
That is a lie.
You know, people do not differentiate the learned, and herself up as the ultra-super sly Meier are extremely detrimental to me.
accuse me, because I just had to knit, had not a spark of understanding, and looking at it only through rose-colored glasses ... sure ...
If someone comes to the tour, raushaut only an insult to the next, even arrogant and narcissistic as park up and nothing but lies and slander grabs on the table, I could never particularly well.
How often should I actually say it to?
Not every American soldier is a hero, just like every Muslim a terrorist.
thousand times I've already said, but it is always returned fine under the carpet. I wonder what is meant by it so hard?
But it's all without reflection and I am "brown"
Ah yes .. Fascism the club was brought out again.
How I love this club, it just fits with everything and everyone. crack is
[sarcasm] nuts already too fascist, I'm in some movie NEM views so it must vote yes, no? [/ sarcasm]
call me brown and fascist .. oh yes .. and you know why? Because I support soldiers, so I'm brown. Sure, helping U.S., British, Canadian and German soldiers is fascist. Have you ever thought about the soldiers are only human? We support the soldiers not because he is a soldier, but because he is a man?
They are our friends, Brothers, sisters or men, we like to keep the fall about how ene hot potato?
Especially since we have these people also start actions Nocht for Iraqi children and humans. Without our guys we were to the people over there because rankommen not the point. Not every soldier is a torturer, or murderer. There are so many to carry with us in humanitarian activities and school supplies, clothes or collect anything else for these people, but which is reported in the media nothing, so there are these actions not so, because the tabloid is the measure of all things !
Before all that I do not understand how someone as fascist designate who believes in democracy and freedom? Sees fascism not a major threat to democracy?
We glorify no violence, we fear for our Adoptees. We are afraid for them to know and the horror of the war. We all are tired of suffering and war, they just want to have at home and still feel safe.
This is not an innocent lamb is any, is very conscious of the terrible things happen in war you better not think about. However, one has to think about it, because you do not with the terrorists must provide the same level.
So many people use the word "fascism" without even thinking about it, or the actual to know the definition, but I'm just stupid and just plain stupid, how could I even have any idea?
How can our cause, or I, his fascist? This goes beyond my comprehension beyond .. must have it be that I'm knitting too easy. Shall I tell you what? This man must be back at himself purely get deep in the shit before he realizes what a nonsense it is actually on his own ... because the American Army, Soldiers Angels or I equate with fascism, but the sheer mockery. to support troops has nothing to do with fascism, just like Soldiers Angels has something to do, or the Americans ever to do with fascism will have.
imperialism, I would even understand it. If this man had packed imperialism on the table, that would have been understandable, but fascism? LOL
Test your only further ridiculous!
The word is clearly defined, and after I rolled several online dictionaries and my history I can very clearly and say with a clear conscience is neither Soldiers Angels nor I are inclined fascist!
Our mission is clearly defined as well as to understand simple:
people who are not in a position to look beyond their own backyard, the slanders and share in the world have neither hand nor foot.
the people you call something what you do not are.
I do not think it ever even any person who know me personally, would describe myself as a "brown" let alone "conservative right".
Still I was ever thrown out somewhere because of my attitude.
That is a lie.
You know, people do not differentiate the learned, and herself up as the ultra-super sly Meier are extremely detrimental to me.
accuse me, because I just had to knit, had not a spark of understanding, and looking at it only through rose-colored glasses ... sure ...
If someone comes to the tour, raushaut only an insult to the next, even arrogant and narcissistic as park up and nothing but lies and slander grabs on the table, I could never particularly well.
How often should I actually say it to?
Not every American soldier is a hero, just like every Muslim a terrorist.
thousand times I've already said, but it is always returned fine under the carpet. I wonder what is meant by it so hard?
But it's all without reflection and I am "brown"
Ah yes .. Fascism the club was brought out again.
How I love this club, it just fits with everything and everyone. crack is
[sarcasm] nuts already too fascist, I'm in some movie NEM views so it must vote yes, no? [/ sarcasm]
call me brown and fascist .. oh yes .. and you know why? Because I support soldiers, so I'm brown. Sure, helping U.S., British, Canadian and German soldiers is fascist. Have you ever thought about the soldiers are only human? We support the soldiers not because he is a soldier, but because he is a man?
They are our friends, Brothers, sisters or men, we like to keep the fall about how ene hot potato?
Especially since we have these people also start actions Nocht for Iraqi children and humans. Without our guys we were to the people over there because rankommen not the point. Not every soldier is a torturer, or murderer. There are so many to carry with us in humanitarian activities and school supplies, clothes or collect anything else for these people, but which is reported in the media nothing, so there are these actions not so, because the tabloid is the measure of all things !
Before all that I do not understand how someone as fascist designate who believes in democracy and freedom? Sees fascism not a major threat to democracy?
We glorify no violence, we fear for our Adoptees. We are afraid for them to know and the horror of the war. We all are tired of suffering and war, they just want to have at home and still feel safe.
This is not an innocent lamb is any, is very conscious of the terrible things happen in war you better not think about. However, one has to think about it, because you do not with the terrorists must provide the same level.
So many people use the word "fascism" without even thinking about it, or the actual to know the definition, but I'm just stupid and just plain stupid, how could I even have any idea?
How can our cause, or I, his fascist? This goes beyond my comprehension beyond .. must have it be that I'm knitting too easy. Shall I tell you what? This man must be back at himself purely get deep in the shit before he realizes what a nonsense it is actually on his own ... because the American Army, Soldiers Angels or I equate with fascism, but the sheer mockery. to support troops has nothing to do with fascism, just like Soldiers Angels has something to do, or the Americans ever to do with fascism will have.
imperialism, I would even understand it. If this man had packed imperialism on the table, that would have been understandable, but fascism? LOL
Test your only further ridiculous!
The word is clearly defined, and after I rolled several online dictionaries and my history I can very clearly and say with a clear conscience is neither Soldiers Angels nor I are inclined fascist!
Our mission is clearly defined as well as to understand simple:
From its very inception, the focus of Soldiers been 'Angels has:
Helping to bring home healthy soldiers .
"May No Soldier Go Unloved"
Soldier's Angels
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