This Fourth July is just so overwhelmed by events. Germany is in the semi-finals (still 0 to 0), health reform is under fire from politicians, Italy calls the tradition of Bruno (what a nonsense), a bushed bull has a dip in the neighbor's swimming pool taken (smart fellow, saying in the weather), America celebrates Independence Day and the bikini turns 60 years old.
The biggest news of the day, however, was a master gunner told us that he has her birthday today.

Today I hit the BIG 29, er.. 30, er... 31, er... nevermind.
As I look back on these last 12 months, a lot of things have happened both on the "Me" front, and the War front.
On the Me Front:
1. Getting more used to the whole "Daddy Thing". My Son is without a doubt the one thing that keeps me going, the person who embodies why we fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, and a hundred other places: he's the future of the Free World, and I will not waver in my commitment to make the world a better place for him totake overlive in.
2. Moved into our new house, and with a skyline view of scenic Fort Hood and the surrounding area, sometimes the most calming thing in the world is just sitting on the front porch of the "Tanker Villa", or what I like to call "Chateau Tanker".
3. Picked up a new adition to the family to compliment my black lab, Patton. In May, we were fortunate to get a full breed Fox Terrier puppy. Gues what we named him? Bradley. (We're keeping with the whole "WWII Generals" motif.
4. Have continued to re-adjust to life back from Iraq, while at the same time gearing up to return to the land of the Hadji and the Jihadji. Although I know that the Iraq I will return to will be a much different place, some things will undoubtedly stay the same.
5. Getting more and more into the Blogging thing, and have made some great new Blogging buddies: Jake and Michele over at the Freedom Folks; My Tanker Buddy James over at Philologous; of course my Wingwoman, Tanker Angel over in Germany supporting the troops all over the world, just to name a select few. (There are loads of others, just look at the links in the left sidebar!)
On the World/ Long War front:
1. Killed that S.O.B. Abu Musab Al Zarqawi . Good riddance.
2. Continued to put up (grudgingly) with the Anti-War Lefties and thier stupidity , a constant reminder of the way Tanker Dad was treated after his second tour in The 'Nam. I won't let them tarnish the hard work and commitment of my Tanker Brothers and Sisters.
3. The rising price of oil : doesn't really bother me that I have to pay $3 a gallon. To be honest, it's a small price to pay in order to rid the world of terrorist thugs in the Middle East and around the world. Plus, I drive a Multi-Fuel, so E85 Ethanol is 30 cents cheaper a gallon, anyway.
4. The Media's continued undermining of the war effort: Even with the Media attempting to turn the victory over to the bad guys, we're still winning. So piss on the New York Times !
All in all, it's been an eventful 12 months, and I'm looking forward to many, many birthdays to come.
Als deine Wingwoman freue ich mich an der Seite der Tanker Family zu stehen and you all warm and good to do for your birthday.
I also have a few small gifts for you, nothing great, but they come from the heart:
As Soldiers Angel I will stand by your side and your brother and your platoon and you get the best possible support . let You are adopted for life.
As a DJ from HOOAH!! Radio is tomorrow's show you and your family and dedicated as I know that you'll like it hence the Cavalry;)
If you go back to Iraq then the project is called "tanker Family-we do not leave behind a Cav " . Who You coined this name and as your Wingwoman, tankers and fishing Sister I thought it would be like me:)
As I said, these are just small gifts, but they come from the heart.
from three towns over yonder ... HOOAH!
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